VIN: JTEHF21A030108767
Toyota Highlander 2003 Unknown
Sale status

Title & Condition

VIN JTEHF21A030108767
Retail value 0
SaleDoc Other (Massachusetts)
Damage Front End , LEFT & RIGHT SIDE

Technical Specs

Odometer, mi 99999
Engine 3.0L V6 FI 24V NF4
Fuel Gasoline
Drive line All Wheel Drive
Transmission Automatic Transmission

No similar cars were found at the auction.

No similar cars were found at the auction.

About Lot

History of sales, prices, and damage of American AUTOMOBILE from the USA from insurance auctions Copart (copart) and IAAI (iaai) This source provides no-cost data about price statistics for salvage AUTOMOBILE from the USA after insurance cases. Should you have been wanting to ship a AUTOMOBILE from America but did not fully know the price range for a particular Toyota, Highlander, 2003 of production, mileage, and degree of Front End and LEFT & RIGHT SIDE, you will find this data with us. We have a search feature available by VIN number, as well as by 9687749 at the IAAI (IAAI USA), and a convenient filter by Toyota, Highlander, 2003 of production, and price.

By looking up the VIN number on our webpage, you will immediately see its initial state, degree, and scale of Front End and LEFT & RIGHT SIDE in the pictures. Our platform will help you avoid a fatal mistake when looking for a AUTOMOBILE.

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