VIN: JTDBR42E68J003408
Toyota Corolla 2008 White
Sale status

Title & Condition

VIN JTDBR42E68J003408
Retail value 0

Technical Specs

Odometer, mi 285323
Fuel Petrol
Drive line
Transmission Automatic

No similar cars were found at the auction.

No similar cars were found at the auction.

About Lot

History of sales, prices, and damage of American Saloon from the USA from insurance auctions Copart (copart) and IAAI (iaai) This source offers no charge information about price statistics for salvage Saloon from the USA after insurance cases. In case you have long wanted to import a Saloon from America but did not thoroughly know the price range for a particular Toyota, Corolla, 2008 of production, mileage, and degree of and , you will discover this information with us. We have a search feature accessible by VIN number, as well as by 397142 at the EmiratesAuction (IAAI UAE), and a convenient filter by Toyota, Corolla, 2008 of production, and price.

By looking up the VIN number on our website, you will right away view its pristine condition, degree, and scale of and in the photos. Our tool will aid you dodge a fatal blunder when seeking for a Saloon.

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