VIN: 5FRYD4H40EB005731
ACURA MDX 2014 Blue
Sale status

Title & Condition

VIN 5FRYD4H40EB005731
Retail value 14,043
SaleDoc Other (Connecticut)
Damage Right Side
Runs & Drives Runs & Drives
Engine Starts Engine Starts

Technical Specs

Odometer, mi 223828
Engine 3.5L 24V SOHC I-VTEC V6
Fuel Gasoline
Drive line All Wheel Drive
Transmission Automatic Transmission

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No similar cars were found at the auction.

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On the site, you can find the sought-after ACURA MDX 2014 AUTOMOBILE by VIN number, by 32184134 at the IAAI (IAAI USA), examine its real condition and mileage at the time of the auction, as well as the final bid and type of document. The data is gathered in real-time, so there is details on both sold cars and the vehicles for which bidding is yet to take place.

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